A few weeks back as I was heading home from the gym and Gav asked if we could go see Sienna and of course I couldn't say no to that so we headed to her grave and sat and talked to her. It was so cute cause Gavin kept kissing the headstone like he was giving his sister a kiss and he would run around the cemetery and I know they were playing together. When we were about to leave Gav insisted on getting a picture with the grave and I kept telling him no cause we had so many of him with her headstone and he just kept insisting. All I had was my phone so I used my camera on there and took a picture. Some may think that bright light is a reflection from the sun but I took 3 others right after and that bright white light isn't in the picture. I got chills when I saw that picture and knew that that was Sienna wanting to be in the picture with Gavin.
Sienna has truly been my guardian angel and has helped me immensely in my life lately. She has guided me to make the right decisions and comforted me in hard times. She is truly my sunshine and I am grateful to have such a perfect little girl that I will be able to feel her spirit with me a lot.
Teresa, this made me cry. What a wonderful thought, and a wonderful little boy you have there. I'm sure Sienna was right there with you.
How beautiful is that picture! Sienna is always with you, and if this doesn't prove it I don't know what would! Loved reading this, its one of those posts I know I wont ever forget! Thanks for sharing :)
Wow-how amazing and wonderful! You are such an amazing example Tree. I love that you are so faithful and honest. Little Sienna is so lucky to have you and you her!
I am amazed every time I read your blog. Thanks for being an inspiration.
I am so happy that you are still updating this blog! I cannot believe the connection Gavin and Sienna have! Thank you for still sharing your precious moments with us. :)
that is a beautiful photo. thank you so much for sharing it. i love the connection between Gavin and Sienna.
I love when my boys do things like this as well. So precious and so in tune with the things around. Thanks I love to hear stories like this.
I think Gavin and Sienna have a relationship that started way before coming to your family. Your stories and these moments prove this and their special bond together. What an honor for you as a Mom to experience these precious moments. Sienna may not be here in her body but she sure is here in spirit! Thanks for sharing :)
Love it, nuff said.
This is such a sweet picture. You are a strong woman and a great mommy!
That is an amazing picture!!! How incredible, gave me goosebumps.
thinking of your Sienna today ♥
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